New adventures

 New adventures: So rolling south east from Kansas City, Missouri to the Ozarks then will turn east and connect with the Trans America Trail and follow it to Yorktown, Virginia (with a few side adventures). Then plan to roll north using multiple routes which parallel Revolutionary Routes from the American Revolution to Newport, RI and then catch a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts where I will be working on a farm and dairy as a field hand and cheese maker for the summer. At least that’s the basic plan. I won’t be posting too much but will periodically and will share some videos. 

But I will be writing about this entire endeavor and interweaving the cycling expedition and farm experience with history and sharing my thoughts on the present, past and future and maybe offering some solutions on how humanity can get along and treat the planet well so we will survive.

And I will tell stories along the way as well that won’t be so ‘deep’ but still interesting.

You can find the videos at

Doing this on a tight budget $14/day, cooking my food, won’t pay to camp, so will rely on the kindness of strangers so should be interesting, will use the traveling cyclists hosting service Warmshowers periodically for a shower and laundry. Excited to send dispatches sharing my adventures with all of you. I will be true to my writing and won’t sugar coat anything. 

If you like my writing and stories and want to support my journalistic endeavors there is link on the site or just reach out. A cup of coffee and a sandwich will help with the budget. But only if you find value in my voice or words.  

I want to find America again, that’s where the history comes in, sort of a reverse expansion to find our roots from our past start here in KC where Lewis and Clark started in the Frontier for the Western expansion, I will be heading back East sharing their stories, Civil War stories, 

and reminding us about why the American Revolution happened while I roll over trail and share stories of those who came before and are here now and my thoughts on our future. 

Here are some images of

My basic route. I leave KC on Friday morning…April Fools day:)

Hope you follow, and feel free to invite your friends and family. I will share my gear list in the next few days.

Thanks to Robert Thompson, Natalie, Aimee, Lauralyn, and Justin M Short BA for your generous support as well.

Bill Poindexter


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